Lisa Taylor

Lisa's Story
As a marine geophysicist leading international projects to map the ocean floor, I realized that the amount of science that got done didn’t depend on how smart or experienced people were, or how much money was available. Instead, it depended on how the people on our teams interacted and operated. The more tension, politics and confusion, the more time wasted and the less achieved. Why were we letting this happen?
This insight led me on a learning journey. Along the way, I earned certifications in facilitation, mediation and team and individual coaching. After leading an effort to bring a new software development approach to our office, I became an Agile team coach and was officially hooked! I embraced a new role as a leadership coach focused on creating a culture where people can’t wait to come to work.
I bring passion, intuition and a direct approach to everything I do. My coaching philosophy is that Vulnerability = Freedom. Freedom to fully show up. Freedom to make an impact. Freedom to experience joy and connection.
I’d love to hear what you most want in your life or organization. Get in touch and let’s explore how we could work together!
“Be yourself, everyone else is taken.” Oscar Wilde
More about Lisa
Lisa is an International Coach Federation Certified Professional Coach and a graduate of the Co-Active Training Institute. She has completed certifications and training in:
The Neuroleadership Institute Brain Based Coaching Program
Clean Coach Certification Programme
Organizational Systems Relationship Coaching
Facilitation of The 5 Behaviors of a Cohesive Team workshops
Brene Brown’s Dare to Lead curriculum
Facilitation of the Arbinger Institute’s Developing and Implementing an Outward Mindset workshops
Agile Scrum Master
Lisa has served as a leadership consultant for SEABED 2030, an international project with a mission to map the entire ocean floor by 2030. She has designed and led a Pilot Supervisory Leadership Development Training Program for NOAA, co-initiated a coaching program for NOAA’s Leadership Competencies Development Program and served as an executive coach for NOAA, the Treasury Executive Institute and the Federal Coaching Network.
Before discovering the magic of coaching, Lisa was a marine geophysicist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration serving in multiple international leadership roles focused on ocean floor mapping.
Lisa and her husband are empty nesters living in Golden, Colorado, where they enjoy hiking and backcountry skiing. When not working, Lisa finds peace gardening, painting and doing yoga.